Thursday, January 01, 2015

I've been tinderized

So 2104 was the first time I really tried online dating. In no particular order. the following is my experience of dating using the app. The names of the innocent have been omitted
  • gorgeous, but felt like a sister than a romantic partner. Could have been fun but I know it wouldn't have lasted long
  • lot of fun but in the end, just not my type
  • one date, neither of us felt like it would go anywhere afterwards so we left it at that
  • great girl, intelligent, sporty, little withdrawn. I had zero experience with women like this and it showed. she ended it after the second date. Really brought me down, still feel it could have been something
  • loads in common but she ended it because we (and this is a direct quote) "don't challenge each other"
  • longest term girlfriend I've had in a long time, really knocked me back when she ended it and it hit me harder than I'm willing to admit
  • nice girl, easy to talk to but met me the same time I had a few dates with someone else, so she said she was happy to leave it at the one date we had
  • lovely girl, got on well, unfortunately lives about 15,000 miles away so we met while she was home on a short holiday
One thing I've learned is timing can be the most important part of a relationship, especially at the beginning. If both of you are not in the same headspace, romantically, it can all fall apart really easy.
Also, sometimes it's ok to be a bit of a dick, as long as she knows it's not what you're really like!

Remember - eventually you will have your last first date

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